August 28, 2012

Mayor Jon Milligan introduced Dwight Tosh, candidate for Craighead County Sheriff who spoke briefly on his career and qualifications as a candidate when the Lake City Council met Aug. 20. Wayne Reece with the Arkansas State Firefighters Association (ASFFA) explained the program available to the volunteer firefighters which would offer accident/life insurance coverage to volunteer firemen while on a fire run. ...

Mayor Jon Milligan introduced Dwight Tosh, candidate for Craighead County Sheriff who spoke briefly on his career and qualifications as a candidate when the Lake City Council met Aug. 20.

Wayne Reece with the Arkansas State Firefighters Association (ASFFA) explained the program available to the volunteer firefighters which would offer accident/life insurance coverage to volunteer firemen while on a fire run. This would be at a cost of $20 per member per year.

A motion was made by Alderman Danny Dunigan and seconded by alderman Jeffery Wisham to offer this benefit through the ASFFA to all City of Lake City volunteer firemen by Oct. 1, 2012, at $20 per year per member to be paid by the City of Lake City. The motion was approved unanimously.

Mayor Milligan introduced Kasey Eakins, who resides in Lake City. She is a student at Arkansas State University and an employee in the Office of Admissions at ASU. Mrs. Eakins offered her services to the city to write a grant as a class project with guidance from her instructor. Council members and Mayor Milligan were in agreement to allow Mrs. Eakins the opportunity which would also benefit the city.

Mayor Milligan presented the council with the monthly financial report for review.

After a brief discussion, the council decided the Auto Read Meters would be ordered from L&J Municipal Supply located in Scott City, Mo.

A recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission was presented to the council to amend Section 7, Article 7-1, Regulations on Fences, 31, Section D.

Council members reviewed and discussed the various changes in the types of fencing. After review, Linda Simpson, city clerk, read the first reading of Ordinance No. 262-12, an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 96, The Zoning Ordinance Amending Section 7, Article 7-1, Regulations on Fences, Page 31, Section D.

The Amendment and Emergency Clause of Ordinance No. 262-12 were adopted.

Legacy Consulting contract was presented to the Council for approval by Mayor Milligan. Alderman Ann Davis made a motion which was seconded by Alderman Wisham to accept the contract with Legacy Consulting at $25,000 per year to be paid at $2,083.33 per month. The motion passed unanimously.

Council members were given copies of a recent letter and report of the City of Lake City Water and Sewer System audit conducted by the CPA firm of Despain, Luther, Short, and Company. The audit was for the period of June 1, 2011 and May 31, 2012. There were no discrepancies and reports were good. Reports were also sent to Berkadia and Legislative Audit.
