Monette City Council accepted the resignation of Police Officer Brandon Womack, who has accepted a position at the Craighead County Sheriff's office, when the council met Monday, July 16. Womack was hired in November 2008 and his last day of service was July 16. He expressed his appreciation to Police Chief Brian Carmichael and the City of Monette for their support and leadership during his time of employment.
Kevin Bond was promoted from part time to full time policeman and will be issued the standard starting salary. In order to meet the requirements to live in the city of Monette, Bond will be selling his home in Bay and making the transition as soon as possible.
Mayor Chub Qualls reported the drive through area on the north side of the police station is being enclosed to add a new office and evidence room. Work is near completion.
Alderman Phillip Duffel requested payment be taken off for work done by early workers at the police station. Mayor Qualls assured him that it had been.
Qualls reported the only remaining member of the Monette Cemetery Committee, Deb Whited, had received an oral resignation from former Chairman Janet Rolland.
The council declared an emergency and passed Amendment #1 of Ordinance #10-1959 establishing a Cemetery Commission consisting of five members, authorizing sales or burial permits, and for other purposes. The commissioners will serve until their successors are named by the Monette City Council.
Qualls announced the appointment of four new commissioners to serve with Whited, and these include Dana McKuin, Bobby Flannigan, Revis Stewart, and Holly Corter.
"The Cemetery Board will appoint a chairman and trustee," Qualls said. "They will come back to the council with their recommendations and changes, as in the past."
The City Sales Tax proposal will be placed on the Sept. 11 ballot for voting.
Qualls reported water leaks and replacement of three fire hydrants had made it necessary to shut down water for a period, causing a boil order to be in effect afterwards for a short period.
"We are back in business now," Qualls said. "The men did a very good job in getting all the work done."
The council continues to work on solving the water drainage situation on the north side of Dr. Dennis Parten's office and Dowless Carpet Emporium. It was found that no storm drain exists on Main Street, as hoped, and a more appropriate drain solution is still being pursued. Mayor Qualls will meet with Aldermen Jason Stewart and Tom Carroll at 5 p.m. July 18 to study the drainage problem.
Qualls proposed an update on the city computer system, with cross training for all employees.
"We used to be networked together, but now Dana and I have to physically get up and go to the other computer to complete work," said City Clerk Vickki Carroll. "With the new system we can update and transfer information for both computers to work together. We will also get training on the newest programs. Almost all the cities use the Centerpoint programs."
"We can pass the old computers down to the Cemetery Commission for their use," Qualls said.
The council voted to purchase new computers and networking program from CSA Softwear Solutions for $8,589.
Alderman Joyce Read announced the home of Brian and Elizabeth Harrell, at 902 Highway 139 South, had been chosen as July Yard of the Month.
Salary Committee members Tom Carroll, Bob Blankenship and Phillip Duffel will meet later this month to study potential employee raises.
Fire Chief Bob Blankenship reported that training had been received for use of the pressure air foam system, which has been retrofitted onto the 1996 International fire truck. This will allow an 8-1 increase in the unit's fire extinguishing capability.
"Black Oak is getting a new fire station," Blankenship said. "It will be a 40x50' steel post building next door to city hall. The old fire station will be converted into use as a community building."
Parks and Recreation state representatives will meet with Mayor Qualls and representatives from the Monette Youth Association and review work at the Sports Park on Monday, July 23.
The next regularly scheduled council meeting will be 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 20, at city hall.