Main Street Blytheville officially hired its new executive director Thursday.
After two months of searching, the board holds full confidence in its new hire, according to board president Tobye McClanahan.
Megan Atzert, of Imperial, Mo., was chosen for the position by the board from a total of 14 applicants. Atzert is a recent graduate from Southeast Missouri State University, where she completed a bachelor's degree in Historic Preservation. She also brings to the position several years of working experience as a volunteer and intern for the Main Street Missouri program and the Cape Girardeau, (Mo.) Historic District.
McClanahan said based on the applicants the board looked at, members are completely confident in Atzert's ability to step in and fill this role, in spite of not being very familiar with the Mississippi County area. The board was hoping to find a local applicant to fill the position, McClanahan said; however, none applied for the job.
During the final round of interviews, Atzert and the other finalist were asked to give a 10-minute presentation outlining how they would help revitalize Main Street Blytheville specifically. The board was impressed with Atzert's presentation and program, as well as her use of the four-point approach outlined by both the state and national Main Street programs.
"We are really excited about what she brings to the table for Main Street Blytheville," McClanahan said. "With her experience, I really feel she's going to step in and do some really good things and be an big asset to the community."
McClanahan said Atzert will be staying in Missouri for a few weeks to fulfill commitments to the Main Street Missouri program, after which she will be relocating to the area before she starts the job in mid-August. The Main Street Arkansas program will assist Main Street Blytheville with Atzert's training, which will have her shadowing directors from some of the stronger Main Street programs throughout the state.