July 20, 2012

June 9, 2012, we had our ninth annual "Cars & Cycles Against Cancer" car and bike show, in conjunction with Northeast Mississippi County Relay For Life, at the Blytheville Aeroplex. If you missed this event, you missed a lot of food and fun and some really nice cars and bikes, along with the Sports Car Club of America!...

To the editor:

June 9, 2012, we had our ninth annual "Cars & Cycles Against Cancer" car and bike show, in conjunction with Northeast Mississippi County Relay For Life, at the Blytheville Aeroplex. If you missed this event, you missed a lot of food and fun and some really nice cars and bikes, along with the Sports Car Club of America!

The weather cooperated very nicely, just a little warm Saturday afternoon, but you could at least breathe this year! We had approximately 300 cars and bikes from all around the tri-state area come out to support our efforts to beat cancer!

We had another very successful year and contributed $20,000 to the Northeast Mississippi County Relay For Life!

I would like to thank all the volunteers and the Cotton Classic Car Club that put this event together and made sure everything ran very smoothly. Our logistics team once again this year was awesome, led by Jeff Kennon, Mark Hutton, Herb Burnett, Scott Herron and Stacy Bullard.

Also, thank you Nucor-Yamato Steel for the continued support of the Relay and Car Show.

Thank you so much to our sponsors, you are the best -- you know who you are! We definitely could not have the quality event we have without all the sponsors -- you are very special!

Thank you to our city government, Mayor Sanders and his team and Barry Harrison and his team at the Aeroplex, the Blytheville Emergency Squad and especially our friends from Westminister Village -- for putting up with us for a couple of days!

Thank you to Sudbury Broadcasting, Ritter Communication and The Courier News for all your support.

A very special thank you goes to Linda Peterson, Bernice Gray and Sherry Childers for making the Northeast Mississippi County Relay For Life such a wonderful success. It's a pleasure tying our events together to make our Relay -- the best in the state.

We have already started working on next year's event (June 7-8, 2013). Please consider getting involved. I pray that each of you will find it in your hearts to help us make our events even bigger next year.


Steve Southard, chairman Cars & Cycles Against Cancer
