Tony Hawkins of Manila won the Ducks Unlimited Sportsman Package of the year which included a Yamaha Grizzly, duck and goose call set, duck hunting gear with ground blind, camo jacket and a case of hypersonic steel waterfowl loads.
Hawkins is a life sponsor of Ducks Unlimited and is invited to attend all statewide banquets. Tickets for the Sports Package are available at all DU banquets in the state.
Hawkins said 10,000 tickets are sold and he purchased two of them at the Blytheville Banquet for $20 each.
Hawkins had not thought about the tickets in a while. He was golfing in a tournament in Jonesboro in June when he received a call informing him he had won. The winning ticket was drawn at a DU workshop held at Stuttgart.
The vendors, Remington, Whitewater, Avery, and Primos Hunting Calls, shipped the prizes to him and Yamaha shipped the Grizzly to Jonesboro where he picked it up.
He received over $10,000 in prizes.
Hawkins has won several items from DU through the years including a fishing boat. He has also won several guns and DU prints. He purchased 10 tickets at West Helena and won five guns one year. He can now add the sports package to his list of winnings.