July 10, 2012

The North Mississippi County Relay for Life raised an estimated $120,846.31 this year for cancer research, surpassing the group's goal for the year.

This year's Relay for Life events raised more than $120,000 to go toward cancer research. The top five teams for 2012 were Nucor Dream Team with $50,000, Cars & Cycles Against Cancer with $20,188.54, Farmers in the Dell with $12,156.89, Southern Bancorp with $11,200.29 and Faye's Fabulous Friends with $6,934.
This year's Relay for Life events raised more than $120,000 to go toward cancer research. The top five teams for 2012 were Nucor Dream Team with $50,000, Cars & Cycles Against Cancer with $20,188.54, Farmers in the Dell with $12,156.89, Southern Bancorp with $11,200.29 and Faye's Fabulous Friends with $6,934.

The North Mississippi County Relay for Life raised an estimated $120,846.31 this year for cancer research, surpassing the group's goal for the year.

Linda Peterson, NMC Relay for Life chair, said she was proud of the 17 teams that signed up this year and hopes to see even more teams in the future.

"We certainly appreciate each and every team and hope that more teams will join us this next year as we continue our fight," Peterson said.

Peterson also said the event would not have been as big of a success without the sponsors. The money brought in from sponsors goes to cover the expenses of putting on the Relay events.

"Without their support, that money would have to come out of the team totals," said Peterson.

Peterson added that many teams raise funds year round, so it's never too early to start.

