A rice/soybean field day conducted by the University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture, Mississippi County Cooperative Extension Service is set for Thursday, beginning at 9:00 am.
Following is the agenda, including times, topics and locations:
-- 9 a.m.: Rice fertility using NStar, Florenden Farm; updates by Dr. Trent Roberts and Mike Sullivan. Location: N35 44.049 W90 02.395; Highway 119, north of Interstate 55 overpass
-- 9:35 a.m.: Rice hybrids and Cultivars, Ron Holthouse Farm; updates by Kurt Johns and Lance Schmidt. Location: N35 69.820 W90 07.132; Highway 140, east of Highway 181 junction
-- 10:15 a.m.: LL pigweed test, Lee Wiener Farm; updates by Dr. Bob Scott, Danny Moore and Dave Freeze. Location: N35 43.708 W90 13.069, Highway 136, east of Etowah
-- 10:50 a.m.: UA RR pigweed test and BASF pigweed test, Ron Holthouse Farm; updates by Dr. Bob Scott and James Pongetti. Location: N35 41.919 W90 11.030, Highway 140, west of Highway 77 North

-- 11:30 a.m.: Insect, plant disease and verification updates, Holthouse Shop; Dr. Glenn Studebaker and Chris Grimes. Location: N35 69.857 W90 19.566, Highway 140, across road from CPS

-- Noon: Fish fry at Holthouse Farm shop, Courtesy of BASF, RiceTec, Ron Holthouse and crew
The field day is an excellent opportunity to interact with friends, farmers, researchers, industry representatives, local dealers, consultants and Extension representatives.
For more information, call the County Extension office at 870-762-2075, or email dfreeze@uaex.edu.