July 10, 2012

The Blytheville 9-year-old All-Stars recently won the District tournament in Manila. The team includes, from left: front -- Layton Robinson, Jake Faulkner, Garrett Gentry, Ross Russell, Dominick McBride, Connor Hyde. Middle -- J.D. Wilson, Brayden Burcham, Landon Hicks, Ty Wagner, Logan Gray, Preston Hatch. Back -- Coach Carl Wilson, Coach Terry Burcham and Manager Roman Russell...

All Stars win in Manila
All Stars win in Manila

The Blytheville 9-year-old All-Stars recently won the District tournament in Manila.

The team includes, from left: front -- Layton Robinson, Jake Faulkner, Garrett Gentry, Ross Russell, Dominick McBride, Connor Hyde. Middle -- J.D. Wilson, Brayden Burcham, Landon Hicks, Ty Wagner, Logan Gray, Preston Hatch. Back -- Coach Carl Wilson, Coach Terry Burcham and Manager Roman Russell.
