May 30, 2012

The Leachville Cave Dwellers will be sponsoring a car wash and bake sale on June 2 starting at 8:00 a.m. at the Malt Shop on Main Street in Leachville. The car wash/bake sale is by donation, the money raised will be used to purchase fireworks for the 4th of July display at the park. Please come out and support the Cave Dwellers to make this display as beautiful as in years past...

The Leachville Cave Dwellers will be sponsoring a car wash and bake sale on June 2 starting at 8:00 a.m. at the Malt Shop on Main Street in Leachville. The car wash/bake sale is by donation, the money raised will be used to purchase fireworks for the 4th of July display at the park. Please come out and support the Cave Dwellers to make this display as beautiful as in years past.
