May 30, 2012

Co-workers, family and friends gathered last Tuesday at the Buffalo Island Central junior high library for a retirement reception for junior high librarian, Cindy Crawford, and secretary Reba Donner...

Co-workers, family and friends gathered last Tuesday at the Buffalo Island Central junior high library for a retirement reception for junior high librarian, Cindy Crawford, and secretary Reba Donner.

Reba Donner and Cindy Crawford were honored with a retirement reception.
Reba Donner and Cindy Crawford were honored with a retirement reception.

Ms. Donner gave 47 years of service to the Leachville/Buffalo Island Central School District going to work there in 1965. She worked for eight principals throughout her career.

Ms. Donner has seen a lot of changes. She can remember making copies on a hand-cranked duplicator.

"The black ink was permanent, and most of the time my fingers were covered in black ink," she said. "We were high tech when we got a copy machine."

In addition to serving as secretary, Ms. Donner was in charge of the book store where students purchased their text books.

"I would sell the books and if the students didn't have someone to pass the books down to, they would bring them back to the store to be sold again," she said. "The book store was a busy place. We had to make sure everyone had the books they needed.

"I have enjoyed my years here. It has been great. I have made wonderful friends."

Mrs. Donner said she is looking forward to staying home and caring for her two dogs. She has worked most of her adult life at the school but started her working career as a car hop at her parents' drive-in in Black Oak (Johnson's Drive-In). She said it was a busy place and her mother made the best 15 cent hamburgers in the world.

Cindy Crawford has 23 years serving as a science teacher, guidance counselor, and retiring as a librarian. She spent all of her teaching years at Buffalo Island Central except for one year when she worked in the Gosnell District.

In addition to being a teacher, Ms. Crawford is a registered nurse. She worked in the nursing field for 10 years before deciding to become a teacher. She has enjoyed both careers and is looking forward to traveling in her retirement. She also enjoys reading.

Debbie Olive expressed her congratulations to both retirees and her appreciation for their years of service.

She presented Ms. Crawford with a framed citation from the Arkansas House of Representatives in honor of her retirement.

Gifts and well wishes from co-workers were presented to Ms. Crawford and Ms. Donner.

"Both of you will be missed," Ms. Olive said.

Cake and punch were served.
