The Arts Council of Mississippi County is looking for bands to sign up for its next Support Live Music presentation. Bands wanting to sign up must do so no later than Monday, June 4.
Support Live Music is an ongoing program presented as a fundraiser for The Arts Council. It provides an opportunity for local and area garage bands to perform on stage with professional lighting and sound systems to enhance their performance. The bands give their time and talents in exchange for a live, on-stage experience shared with their friends and fans. The evening usually showcases up to five bands or individual artists.
The next Support Live Music is scheduled for 7 p.m. Saturday, June 16, at the Ritz Civic Center. Admission is $5.
Organizers are soliciting groups that have not yet been a part of this program, before rescheduling repeating groups. Only up to five bands will be accepted to play, and the sooner a band signs up, the better the chances of being selected.
New groups are required to provide a playable or readable copy of the material they plan to perform with their entry form. No band will be compensated for their participation, but they are allowed to have approved CDs, T-shirts, etc. available for purchase in the lobby during the show. The bands must agree to refrain from making any malicious, degrading, racial or ethnic statements, and from any obscene or off-color comments or gestures.
Anyone interested or involved in a group can contact The Ritz at 870-762-1744 or via email at A printable sign-up form is available at, and has to be turned in by person no later than Monday, June 4.