April 27, 2012

The Quorum Court of Mississippi County recently passed its revised summary of expenditures for 2011.

The Quorum Court of Mississippi County recently passed its revised summary of expenditures for 2011. Given the financial strain in which the county found itself by the end of last year, many departmental budgets adjusted down.

Following are the revised appropriation amounts for the departments whose budgets considered county general funds:

-- County Judge - $132,027.14

-- County Clerk - $254.027.23

-- Circuit Clerk - $338,965.01

-- Treasurer - $121,428.86

-- Sheriff - $2,236,931.62

-- Collector - $268,475.70

-- Assessor - $537,736.78

-- Circuit Court - $74,274.15

-- Chickasaw District Court - $56,947.91

-- Osceola District Court - $164,556.38

-- Quorum Court - $178,001.49

-- Juvenile Intake - $267,510.35

-- Prosecuting Attorney - $127,167.33

-- Courthouse - $480,633.68

-- Blytheville Health Unit - $44,490.84

-- Election Commission - $71,138.95

-- Coroner - $27,344.43

-- Office of Emergency Management - $51,043.23

-- Osceola Health Unit - $42,471.87

-- County Sanitation - $2,270.585.34

-- Financial Management - $128,628.54

-- County Hospital Operations - $1,006.517.21

-- County Property Reappraisal - $193,011.00

-- Cooperative Extension - $79,609.11

-- Public Defender - $122,119.55

-- Veterans - $40,697.35

-- Transfers to other funds - $808,702.78

As a whole, the county general fund departmental budgets spent $10,307,836.90. This is an adjustment down a total of $431,547.78 from the amount appropriated for them at the beginning of 2011.

In special revenues, the roads department's expenditures totaled $2,960,158.36 and economic development's totaled $4,869,159.73, both having spent less than originally budgeted.

