April 7, 2012

Such a week, last week, poor Terrie! Can't help but wonder what this world is coming to!

Such a week, last week, poor Terrie!

Can't help but wonder what this world is coming to! She was informed by a local citizen who said she had heard gunshots in her backyard several weeks previous to her call. It was weeks later that she discovered a dead dog in her "pool" and she needed Terrie to come and remove it. Because several weeks had passed before Terrie received the call, she went to investigate the complaint. To her horror and surprise, she found not one, but eight dead dogs rotting in the deep end of the pool. They all had been shot! Now ya hafta wonder what manner of men are these that such a thing could happen. She, Terrie, was advised that it was her duty to remove the carcasses, ASAP.

I ask you what kind of nastiness must this woman continue to suffer. She had no offer of help from anyone. There is a limit to what a person should endure. I didn't like all the crap that has gone on before and I ain't liking it any better now. It would have been a deplorable act even if it had been reported sooner, but to wait until they start "stinkin" is taking it above and beyond.

This is not an isolated incident. It happens all the time. Is it because the owner of the pets only check their pets only on occasion, or are they derelict in reporting such things to proper authorities in a timely manner, or are they too lazy to report it until the animals are ripe? It's disgusting that she must face this type of chore without assistance. I won't go into detail because the editor would not print it, nor will they print the gross pictures we have on file. And to save my soul I can't find anything in the regulations or job performance/descriptions that states she has to pick up all the cadavers produced by the dummies that report it.

Just for the record, she also has to dispose of all the rotten bodies, bag them up and carry them to the landfill. This week she discovered a dead young pit puppy in a cage left on the side of the road. Jeez what a life!

As Jazz would say: "For those that understand, no explanation is needed; for those who do not understand, no explanation is possible."

Thought for the week: April is adopt-a-dog month -- visit the local shelters and find a life-long friend. It is wonderful.
