April 4, 2012

Holly Rene Russell of Russellville and Cory Jacob Sutterfield of Hector announce their engagement and upcoming marriage.

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Holly Rene Russell of Russellville and Cory Jacob Sutterfield of Hector announce their engagement and upcoming marriage.

The bride-elect is the daughter of Susan and Terry Russell of Russellville. Her grandparents are Mary Lou and Earl Knipple of Blytheville and Betty Wills and the late Howard Wills of Benton. She attends Arkansas Tech University and will graduate in May 2012 with a bachelor of science in recreation and parks administration.

The prospective groom is the son of Kathie Newport of Hector and Mark Sutterfield of Plainview. His grandparents are James Elbert and Bernell Adams of Oxley and Faye Sutterfield and the late Dorsey Sutterfield of Russellville. He attends Arkansas Tech University and is completing requirements for a bachelor's degree in social sciences education.

The couple will exchange vows at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 7. Invitations will be sent and a reception will follow.
