Water damage in the main voting room at the Moore Center has resulted in the necessity for the Mississippi County Election Commission to make other plans for the upcoming primary election in May.
Commissioners visited the building Monday to look over the damage, where a large portion of ceiling caved in where voting normally takes place. They said they had been told that Arkansas Northeastern College, which has allowed the county to use the building for free, does not plan to repair it. Plans are being made to do some work on the air conditioning system so that it is operational in the other side of the building, where two large rooms are available for voting.
In other business, commissioners voted to change the polling site in Keiser from the public library to the First Baptist Church. They also set times for poll worker training. The Blytheville training sessions will take place on April 16 and 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the Blytheville courthouse. The Osceola sessions will take place on April 17 and 23 at 6:30 at the Osceola courthouse.