April 3, 2012

Lake City council members tabled an ordinance and approved ordinances at the March 19 council meeting. The council voted to table Ordinance No. 259-12, an ordinance for the purpose of adopting the city of Lake City tree ordinance, until the next regular council meeting scheduled for April 16. ...

Lake City council members tabled an ordinance and approved ordinances at the March 19 council meeting.

The council voted to table Ordinance No. 259-12, an ordinance for the purpose of adopting the city of Lake City tree ordinance, until the next regular council meeting scheduled for April 16. The extended time will give all members the opportunity to review the ordinance and speak with their constituents.

Ordinance No. 260-12, an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 238-09, an ordinance to provide regulations for the construction and maintenance of swimming pools within the city of Lake City, was read second and third time by title only, along with the emergency clause and was approved by all members.

Council members approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 261-12, an ordinance to amend ordinance providing for regulation of portable metal storage buildings; the use on commercial property and providing for a penalty.

Mayor Jon Milligan opened the four bids received for the 1992 model backhoe. The lowest bid was from Pine Auto Sales for $8,601 with the highest bid from Hendrix Auction and Realty for $11,989. The council voted to accept the bid from Hendrix Auction.

Mayor Milligan also had two bids for work to be done on an existing water tower. The bid from Pittsburgh Tank & Tower Co. in the amount of $53,250 was accepted. A GIF grant has been received in the amount of $15,000. It will defer part of the cost leaving the city to fund $38,250.

Following a discussion the council agreed to wait until the city appropriates more funds in the street improvement sales tax fund to pave the entire street of Nash at one time, instead of doing it in intervals.

The council also agreed to the sale of the old police car.
