April 3, 2012

The Blytheville Police Department is investigating a wave of shootings late Sunday night that left several people shot and others injured.

The Blytheville Police Department is investigating a wave of shootings late Sunday night that left several people shot and others injured.

The Police Department received several calls for service between the hours of 8:15 and 10 p.m. Sunday. Separate from other calls received during this period, the following calls are thought to be a series of acts potentially related to each other, according to Police Chief Ross Thompson.

At 8:15 p.m., officers were called to 1025 S. Lily, where a mother reported her son had been assaulted. The incident is believed to have occurred with a large group of juveniles in Williams Park. A report for battery was filed.

At 8:20 p.m., officers were called to the area of Cherry and Lake streets in reference to a large group of juveniles fighting, and a report of a gun. Several officers responded, but no reports were filed. Officers were on scene for several minutes clearing the area.

At 8:45 p.m., officers were called to the 1200 block of East Ash Street in reference to a fight in the street. Officers were on scene for several minutes. One person was detained, but no reports were filed and no arrests were made.

At 9:24 p.m., officers were called to the area of Franklin and Davis streets in reference to shots fired. A few minutes later, officers received a call from 117 E. Kentucky that a subject there had been shot. The victim was identified as 24-year-old Dontairo Jones of Osceola. Jones was transported to The Regional Medical Center in Memphis and has since been treated and released. Officers were on scene for several minutes, and a report of battery has been filed.

At approximately 9:31 p.m., officers were called to 1217 Denny in reference to a shooting. Upon arrival, officers met with Debra Daniels, who said she was shot at. Daniels suffered a minor injury not consistent with a gunshot. A report for aggravated assault was filed.

At 9:39 p.m., officers were called to the area of Lake and Cherry, this time in reference to someone being shot. At the scene, officers found three juveniles, ages 16, 17 and 17, all with gunshot wounds. One was transported to the Great River Medical Center in Blytheville for medical treatment and was later released. The other two were taken to The Med. One has since been treated and released, and the other remains in stable condition. Officers were on scene for several minutes, and a report for battery has been filed.

At 10 p.m., officers observed a vehicle thought to be involved in the earlier shootings. The driver, identified as 24-year-old Terrance Miller of Blytheville, fled from officers on foot. Miller was arrested and faces DWI, fleeing and other charges. Officers were on scene for several minutes, the vehicle was towed and the incident is still under investigation.

"These are not believed to be random acts of violence, as many of the offenders and victims have known local street gang affiliations and criminal histories. We anticipate making several arrests soon," said Thompson.

In an unrelated incident at 10:12 p.m., officers were called to 901 W. Walnut in reference to a domestic incident that resulted in shots fired. The police department received numerous calls to the area concerning the shots fired. Upon arrival, officers met with Theresa Metcalf, who reported that after an argument, her ex-boyfriend shot the windows out of her car. No injuries were noted and a report was filed.

"Due to the large call volume and the seriousness of the incidents during this time frame, we needed to prioritize the calls, and unfortunately, some received delayed responses," Thomson said. "This was unavoidable as the more serious calls with injuries take a priority over property calls. Also, anytime the department investigates violent offenses involving juveniles, as a precautionary measure, we notify the schools. The Blytheville Police Department and Blytheville Public Schools have an excellent working relationship with school safety personnel and a School Resource Police Officer assigned the high school."

