March 31, 2012

Tax revenues for Mississippi County are trending down in 2012, but are still up from this time last year. In March of 2012, the 1 percent sales and use tax generated $105,422.44. This is down from $112,567.87 in February, but up from only $92,036.67 in March of 2011...

Tax revenues for Mississippi County are trending down in 2012, but are still up from this time last year.

In March of 2012, the 1 percent sales and use tax generated $105,422.44. This is down from $112,567.87 in February, but up from only $92,036.67 in March of 2011.

Also for March 2012, the half-cent economic development tax generated $264,163.32. Once again, this number is slightly down from $281,535.78 in February, but up from $230,205.12 in March of 2012.

County officials are still awaiting approval from a constitutional attorney for their proposed transfer of $2.5 million in economic development tax funds into county general, in order to recuperate millions poured into the hospital system.

It is estimated that the tax generates approximately $2.6 million each year.
