March 31, 2012

Such a day! A call from Judge Carney last month set my mind in whirl. I was invited to speak at a luncheon being held this day at the Manila Depot, to all the mayors in Mississippi County, (17 were invited.)

Such a day! A call from Judge Carney last month set my mind in whirl.

I was invited to speak at a luncheon being held this day at the Manila Depot, to all the mayors in Mississippi County, (17 were invited.) Not sure exactly how many were attending; however, I believe there was a majority. The food at the Manila Depot was home-cooked and delicious. The subject was to be on the possibility of building a county shelter. What a wonderful thing to have it for relief of the many strays that are finding their way into the cities.

Blytheville has for some time been plagued with packs foraging for food. Animal people are ever so aware that these animals are doing what it takes to survive. Nonetheless, they are a threat to the citizens and cannot be allowed to be on the streets. Could it be possible to teach the perpetrators to relinquish them to a shelter? We never were very lucky with the locals in Blytheville and I hear that other cities are having much the same problem. Too often animals were tossed out into the yards at the local shelter, even though we have a catch pen providing food, water and shelter there for the taking. I can testify that the dogs were brought to the shelter site and turned loose. Cats were placed inside the catch pen with the dogs. Can you imagine the terror the cats must have endured? We have preached to the people the right way to no avail!

Today at the meeting was a dream coming true. There was not a time at the meeting that any votes were made that there would be a closing of any of the local shelters in Blytheville, Osceola or Manila. Someone told me the news reported that there was a possibility that that might be an issue. No way we could possibly have a county shelter large enough to house the many animals that are handled by the cities that already have shelters.

The question on the floor was, would it be fair to have the cities that have active shelters contribute to the building fund for the county? There are lots of questions to be answered. There are many bridges to cross. On a happier note, before I left the building I had in my hand $2,000 dollars and the promise of $2,000 more. How good is that?

As Jazz would say: "Hold on tight, there is gonna be a bumpy road ahead."

Thought for the day: Prepare for what comes after the honeymoon phase!
