OSCEOLA -- Action was delayed further Tuesday night at a regular meeting of the Mississippi County Quorum Court on the issue of a proposed fund transfer which is pending approval from legal council. The transfer would move $2.5 million from the county's economic development tax fund to county general fund.
With no other business on the agenda, justices present discussed the meetings of the Finance and Property and Development committees, in which the struggling financial situation of the county's general fund and the possibility of using economic development tax funds to reimburse some of the money spent on recovering the hospital system in past years.
"County general is tight," said Justice Michael White, chairman of the Finance Committee. "We are making it week by week, but our elected officials are doing all they can to help us by controlling spending."
Judge Randy Carney said that a constitutional attorney in Little Rock, recommended by county attorney Dan Ritchey, is "looking closely" at the matter, and the county is still waiting on a letter from them which would validate the transfer's legality. At that time, he said, a special meeting of the Court could be called so the issue could be brought to a vote.