Letter to the Editor

To the "I don't care" citizen

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

To the editor:

For those of you with the "I don't care" attitude about our debt to the IRS, this is for you.

The next time you see a city employee, go up to him or her and say, "I don't care if you get laid off, I am not voting for a tax increase."

The IRS is the wolf at the front door and he wants his money. Do not punish the present administration or its employees for the sins of the past.

There is no way the city can raise $3 million without laying off employees and reducing services. Even then, the IRS may say that method of payment is too slow -- pay me now. With the passage of the tax referendum, a bank loan for payment may be possible using the tax money as collateral.

And again, for those of you with the "I don't care" attitude about our debt to the IRS: when next you go to church and you have that private moment with the man upstairs, remember to tell him you did not care about your neighbor sitting next to you, who is now unemployed because of your "I don't care" attitude.

So do the right thing, vote yes to the tax referendum, and let us put this to bed.

Jim Vincent