Blytheville Police Chief Ross Thompson has a message for citizens who may be uninformed regarding the law governing school and construction zones and traffic tickets.
"Most citizens are law-abiding and never intend to violate the law," he said. "Then every now and then people get speeding tickets. Many times we just simply aren't paying attention to the speedometer when the blue lights come on behind us, or maybe we weren't aware we entered a construction or school zone that required us to slow down."
Arkansas law states that regardless of the posted speed, no person shall drive at a speed greater than is reasonable under the conditions, including the presence of pedestrians, and shall maintain control of their vehicle to avoid a collision. Also, unless posted otherwise, the speed limit on a city street is 30 mph.
Separate laws govern what Thompson called "slow it down" areas. State law requires a reduced speed when entering school and construction zones. School zones extend out as far as 300 feet from school grounds.
"What most citizens may be unaware of, however, is that fines double when violations occur in school and construction zones," he said. "A $200 ticket becomes $400 ticket, a $300 ticket becomes a ... well, you get the picture."
Also, according to Thompson, a new state law that came into effect just last October places additional restrictions of the use of cell phones while in school zones. The new law provides that except in case of an emergency, drivers cannot use a handheld wireless phone while driving through a school zone during school hours when children are present and outside the building.
"While we're at it, I want to remind everyone that last year the state law that prohibited smoking in your car with a child has changed," he said. "The new age is 14; yes, smoking is prohibited in any motor vehicle in which a child who is less than 14 years of age is a passenger. So cut the kids a break -- avoid a ticket and just don't do it.
"We might not do traffic observation or saturation at every school or construction zone every day, but when we do and you get a ticket, don't say you weren't warned. Slow down, save your money, and above all arrive alive."