February 2, 2012

This is my first editorial of any kind, although I've considered it many times. One of the perks to living in the "The Greater Blytheville" area is thankfully through my only "real" resource for news, "The Courier News" (no slam to Topix, ha). All the opportunities for readers/citizens to learn of the many reasons that "Greater Blytheville" seems to only get gradually worse...

To the editor:

This is my first editorial of any kind, although I've considered it many times. One of the perks to living in the "The Greater Blytheville" area is thankfully through my only "real" resource for news, "The Courier News" (no slam to Topix, ha). All the opportunities for readers/citizens to learn of the many reasons that "Greater Blytheville" seems to only get gradually worse.

Of course, there are plenty of positive stories to be read and appreciated, such as the St. Jude-related stories, the Humane Society and the great volunteers that stand up for the animals, coverage of the local schools in both sports and scholastic activities, not to mention soccer, baseball and softball games that all help unite Blytheville. Heck, I even enjoy the many editors' thoughts on grandchildren, sainted wives, Cardinals, the goose poop on a walking track, and the editorials especially sent by the readers and citizens of "The Greater Blytheville Area."

But after reading a recent Courier News, I decided that I had to stand and be counted about the news I had read and offer a brief opinion since setting up a tent in front of the County Courthouse seemed irrational, and honestly not as safe as protests in Los Angeles and New York. I decided to share the thoughts that I feel strongly enough about here in the editorial section.

Before the arrows fly back in my direction, I must admit I'm guilty of several things ... I was raised in Los Angeles, but I have lived here since 1988. I moved to Armorel for the great school out there in the country. I walk my dog unleashed but carry a pooper scooper. I vote, and with one exception, I vote conservative, which translates into being a proud Republican. I attend the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and yes, my son is currently one of those missionaries you see, serving in Phoenix. And let's see, what else would a hater need to know? I've been a proud employee of Nucor thankfully for close to 28 years now.

Now all that is said, it's easy to read that I'm not an accomplished writer, nor am I over-educated, and since this is my very first editorial, I'm not overly opinionated. Yes, I am flawed and regardless of the fallout from this editorial, I want the focus of my message to the "Greater Blytheville" area leaders to be period ... it's not personal, it's your jobs.

In the Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012, Courier News, the headline story read: "Jail fee bills piling up for Blytheville." As I read this article written by Mark Brasfield and Shannon Spears Harris, it informed me that the city of Blytheville (the same city that owes the IRS $3 million) owes the county $496,000 in jail fees and $128,000 in landfill fees ... REALLY??!!

The Courier newspaper dated Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012, headline read "Committee Pores over city budget; BPD, BFD staffing among areas under scrutiny." For those of you who didn't get to read it, I highly suggest you give it your time. I can't understand for the life of me why the mayor and other local leaders keep trying to get the citizens in the "Greater Blytheville Area" to believe that they can get Blytheville back to where it belongs. Listen, as I stated before, I wasn't raised here, but in my 22 years here, I can count on one hand the improvements the city has made to make Blytheville a better place to live. In fact, after reading for six months or so about "Barrygate" and now another half-million the city owes, not even Fred Sanford would want to move here.

Seriously Joe or Jill Public, if I don't pay my water bill to the city, you know what happens? The service is cut off. If I owed the IRS 15 cents, they'd come arrest me or charge me $500 in late fees, so why is the city any different?

I'm not trying to sell my house yet, but many folks who are have seen their property values plummet, and if someone picked up the Courier News in the past two days considering moving their family here, what do you think their opinion might be?

Stop talking about "Barrygate," City Council, and stop talking about the city recovering, because from what I've read the past few days, this city hasn't hit bottom yet. Cutting the fire and police departments should be the last place you cut your budget! The roads here are pitiful, and have been forever, so as a suggestion -- how about we sponsor an offroad series to come here and run a race on our streets, hoping a network will cover the event and bring Blytheville some great "PR"?

I just want the concentration from the city to answer why we don't pay our bills, why we don't have good roads, and why we're cutting police and fire forces? Why do we keep going over "Barrygate" and not over solutions? "Barrygate" will be voted on by us, so don't put sugar on mold and think you're going to sway our vote, pay your bills and act like you are proud of representing "Blyvegas."

The awards were nice for the bus station, but I'd rather see us rewarded for growth and progress, not a building that can host a nice party for Dr. Rice. Take a look at how the Human Society has reinvented themselves and helped defenseless animals by functioning on heart and desire, and basically begging for financial support. Their council knows how to get the most out of the least and they are a model of how to just "get 'r done." Keep up the great work, Human Society and all those who support them, Blytheville can be proud of these folks, and they should be recognized.

I hope I'm not alone in my thoughts. We all deserve better from this city and want to be proud of where we live, so that when friends, family and especially businesses might consider this a great place to visit, move or relocate. I pay my bills and if I don't, I have to deal with the recourse. I expect this city and its leaders to be held to the same standard. I look forward to us hitting bottom so we can start heading back up.

Michael Corbett Blytheville

P.S. Maybe the Greater Blytheville Area Chamber of Commerce can consider that campaign where they randomly pay people who say good things about Blytheville?
