January 31, 2012

Manila FFA Alumni Association is gathering items for the auction and the dinner/auction event will be held Saturday, Feb. 11, at the Manila Airport Center. The meal will begin at 6 p.m. and the auction at 7 p.m...

Manila FFA Alumni Association is gathering items for the auction and the dinner/auction event will be held Saturday, Feb. 11, at the Manila Airport Center. The meal will begin at 6 p.m. and the auction at 7 p.m.

Alumni president Will DeSpain said there will be a large variety of auction items including original prints, Delta tool box, John Deere collectibles, three guns, and Cajun cooker.

The guns include a Mosseburg model 500 12 gauge; a 50 caliber muzzle loader; and a youth model 22/410 combo.

Members of the Manila FFA, under the leadership of Adviser Dwight Booth, have built heavy duty picnic tables, deer box stand, Cajun cooker, swing.

Donations are being taken for a 42" television that will be given away at the event.

"We will have the U-Pick it ticket again this year, along with drawings, and a lively auction.

The meal will be a fish and chicken dinner catered by Bigg Butts. The price of the meal is all you can eat for $12.

All of the proceeds from the event go to fund college scholarships for local graduates.
