The annual cotton/corn production meeting conducted by the University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture, Mississippi County Cooperative Extension Service is set for Monday, Jan. 9, beginning at 8:30 am.
It will be held at the Northeast Research and Extension Center in Keiser.
Anyone with an interest in finding out more about the latest University research findings and Extension recommendations in cotton and corn production is encouraged to attend. Continuing education units will be available for certified crop advisers and Arkansas consultants.
Topics to be addressed include variety/hybrid performance trial results, market outlook, weed control, insect control and disease management. Fertility research and cotton/corn verification programs will also be discussed. A barbecue lunch will be provided courtesy of meeting sponsors. Industry sponsors will be present to answer grower questions about their newest products and programs.
The meeting is an excellent opportunity to interact with friends, farmers, researchers, industry representatives, local dealers, consultants and Extension representatives.
For more details about the meeting, call the County Extension office at 870-762-2075.