December 20, 2011

Members of the Manila School Board viewed a presentation on the Common Core curriculum at the Dec. 19 meeting. Manila District's technology coordinator Jason Baltimore offered an informative power point presentation on Common Core. ...

Members of the Manila School Board viewed a presentation on the Common Core curriculum at the Dec. 19 meeting.

Manila District's technology coordinator Jason Baltimore offered an informative power point presentation on Common Core. The Common Core is the new curriculum being adopted to ensure graduates are ready to enter college without the need of remediation. With the Common Core curriculum the standards and the testing will be the same in all of the states. It is consistent and will give an honest picture of how schools and students are doing.

Board President Tracey Reinhart the presentation put it in black and white.

"I appreciate the work our teachers and administration in the transition to the new curriculum," Reinhart said.

"As a board, we have to be sure to be going in the right direction," Board member Tony Crowell said.

Superintendent Pam Castor discussed the facilities master plan with the board. She explained any projects considered would need to be on the master plan to receive any partnership funding. She went on to say any construction projects would have to be approved through the state but she pointed out the importance of the master plan. The cost of replacement to renovation is also a factor in any project.

Some of the major projects on the master plan included a athletic facility upgrade, football bleachers, concession stand, baseball, softball field, track field, safe room, etc.

Board member Tommy Wagner suggested the district would need to look at the new FAA changes with any lights being placed.

Castor said they had met the guidelines at the time of the completed projects but would address the new guidelines would be addressed as they go forward with any plans.

Castor said the master plan can be reviewed and changed every other year. She asked the board to review the plan and be ready to vote on it at the next meeting.

Connie Adams updated the board on the ACSIP Plan which is money spent on different programs such as Reading Recovery, Reading Coach, JBHM, peer mentoring, ALE.

"We submit everything to the state and as of now, we are in compliance," Adams said.

The board approved unanimously the ACSIP Plan.

Baltimore presented a technology update. Baltimore discussed the webpage. He said the teacher pages are coming together. He said by next semester he hopes to have the student's homework, and grades available. He said there may be a need for additional training.

He said there may need to be some update and changes, depending on the Common Core curriculum.

"It looks like our system will work but it depends on if they test all at once," Baltimore said. "We will have to look at it."

He updated the board on the district's technology including existing hardware, with 625-650computers. He said the 30 IPads have been checked out until the ends of the school year. Smart boards are in all of he elementary and middle school classrooms, along with document cameras.

"We have made a lot of strides because you as a board have allowed us to make the purchases," Baltimore said. "You all know how fast technology changes."

High School Principal Robin Baugher briefly discussed high school technology said the web page is on course. Teachers can communicate with parents. She said some teachers may not be able to post grades on a daily basis. Some of the high school teachers may have 150 students a day. She said they are working on it.

Elementary/Middle School Principal Dale Case said he is working on the website with about half the people on board. He said the sites are looking better and it will be helpful to have the lesson plan and homework on line. The parents will be able to see the homework assignments. He said they would be looking at getting it up and running.

After a short executive session, the board voted to accept the resignation of Beth Jolliff as cheer coach.
