December 7, 2011

Wreaths Across America will be pulling into Blytheville Thursday as the convoy heads to the Fayetteville National Cemetery.

Wreaths Across America will be pulling into Blytheville Thursday as the convoy heads to the Fayetteville National Cemetery.

The convoy of trucks are expected to arrive at Walmart around 1 p.m. Thursday for a reception ceremony. The ceremony, sponsored by Walmart, will include a presentation of colors, the national anthem and an homage to the veterans as well as food and drinks provided by Walmart.

"You know, the men and women who serve give up a lot for us. This is our chance to show them that we appreciate them and all that they do," said Walmart manager Mark Brown.

After the ceremony, the trucks will make their way through town heading west on Highway 18. Each truck will be carrying a veteran as they head to the Mississippi County Courthouse to lay wreaths on the various memorials.

Residents are encouraged to come out and show support at the ceremony or as the convoy heads through town.
