"Dashing Through the Snow," the latest production from the Act 2! community theater group, begins Friday night at the Ritz Civic center.
The comedy, directed by Greg Groves, follows a group of people staying at a small bed and breakfast in the tiny town of Tinsel, Texas, all dealing with their own issues and trying to survive the holidays.
A spur-of-the-moment wedding at the B&B will bring the cast together and change all their lives.
Cast members include Angie Hatch as Trina Walcott, Slade Robertson as Mr. Boykin, Sam Fleming as Lou Ida, Carol Walls as Cuddles and Rhonda Lynn Lampley, Greg Groves as Binky, Ken Jackson as Hoyt Ledford, Sarah Jackson as Donna Jo Austin, Michelle Rathgaber as Ennis Puckett and Paulette Coogan, Georiga Person of Della Crowder, Randy Jeffers as Ainsley Danforth and Taynerd Chisum, Betty Koval as Lenora Benedict, Tonya Harris as Frankie Dubberly, Lora Anderson as Twink Buntner and Jeanette Sells as Honey Raye Futrelle.
"Dashing Through the Snow" will take the stage at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday. For more information, visit www.act2blytheville.com.