November 22, 2011

Recent reports from the Blytheville Police Department:

Recent reports from the Blytheville Police Department:

Nov. 18

In two separate incidents, four vehicles on West Moultrie were broken into by an unknown suspect. Windows in all vehicles were broken out, and items such as bank and credit cards stolen.

Two vehicles were broken into in front of a home on Rollison. The only item stolen was a garage door opener.

Nov. 19

Kevin Deandra Weaver, 34, of 1223 E. Cherry, was arrested and charged with aggravated domestic assault, third-degree domestic battery (second offense) and second-degree false imprisonment. Weaver, who has a previous conviction of third-degree domestic battery with the same victim, allegedly would not allow her to leave his home, causing her physical injury and threatening her with a knife.

A flat-screen television and some jewelry were reported as stolen from a residence on South Crescent. Officers were unable to locate any point of entry into the residence.

Nov. 20

A Kindle valued at $80, $150 worth of new clothes, a dehumidifier valued at $200, a camcorder valued at $250, and a camera valued at $250 were all stolen from a vehicle parked at McAdoo's. No suspects are known.

Two gold necklaces, valued at $1,500, and $100 in cash were stolen from a vehicle parked in a lot on Rosamond and South Elm. No suspects are known, but fingerprints were located and collected.

A television and two laptops were stolen from a home on McDaniels. No suspects are known.

$900 worth of tools and the box they were in were stolen from the back of a truck parked on North Seventh Street. Fingerprints were recovered from the scene.

Nov. 21

A Rossi .38 special revolver was reported as stolen from a home on Chickasawba. No suspects are known.

Two unidentified black men attempted to rob a man at gunpoint in the area of North Division. The suspects got away before police arrived, but were described to officers.

Approximately $1,950 worth of electronics and jewelry were stolen from a home on South Parkside. The victim walked in on the suspect, but ran out of the house to call the police and was unable to identify them.

Casey Flanagan, 21, of Holland, was arrested and charged with DWI drugs, driving left of center, no seat belt, possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, and obstruction of government operations. Flanagan's vehicle was stopped by officers after being seen driving erratically, and he was found to be under the influence. Also in the vehicle was Glen Sanders, 44, of Steele, who was found to have warrants out of Missouri. Sanders was arrested on those warrants and was also charged with possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. The vehicle was impounded and found to contain a plastic baggy and bag of copper mesh commonly used to smoke crack cocaine, as well as suspected cocaine and crack cocaine.
