Several positions were filled by the Manila School Board at the Thursday, Nov. 17, meeting. Following an executive session, Superintendent Pam Castor recommended hiring Whitney Rolland as long term sub; Brittany Nicole House as a kindergarten aide; and part-time cafeteria workers Mary Ford, April Pendergrass, Patricia Ballard and Shirley Adams. The board voted unanimously to accept Castor's recommendations.
Board members present included Tracey Reinhart, president; Danny Robbins, vice president; Brandon Veach, secretary; Johnny McCain, Tony Crowell, Jeremy Jackson and Tommy Wagner.
The board voted unanimously to elect Reinhart as the Arkansas School Board Association delegate.
In other business:
*Minutes were approved and the financial report was reviewed and approved.
*The board approved resolutions to conduct business with companies who are owned or operated by relatives of school employees when needed. Anything over $5,000 has to be approved by the state. The companies include Unearthly Threads; Walsworth Publishing; Spain Construction; Costal Construction, Chris Gipson Construction, Delta Drug, Wal-Mart Inc., Steve Matheny Farms, Heath Donner Farms, Farmers Market, Wagner Medical Clinic.
*Superintendent Castor reminded the board the audit training session is mandated this year.
*Board President Reinhart read a letter from Tim Bassing, coach of the first Manila cross country team. He thanked the board, coaches, and the school for great support. He commended the athletes for doing a great job in competing and in representing their school well.
*Reinhart also recognized Rodney Lancaster, ALE teacher, for his accomplishments working on his doctorate and having a paper published.
*The junior high cheerleaders were recognized for winning Regional last weekend.
*Tommy Wagner, M.D. volunteered to help train students and staff in the use of AED (Automated External Defibrillators). Castor said they would work around his schedule and set it up.