November 22, 2011

Several positions were filled by the Manila School Board at the Thursday, Nov. 17, meeting. Following an executive session, Superintendent Pam Castor recommended hiring Whitney Rolland as long term sub; Brittany Nicole House as a kindergarten aide; and part-time cafeteria workers Mary Ford, April Pendergrass, Patricia Ballard and Shirley Adams. ...

Several positions were filled by the Manila School Board at the Thursday, Nov. 17, meeting. Following an executive session, Superintendent Pam Castor recommended hiring Whitney Rolland as long term sub; Brittany Nicole House as a kindergarten aide; and part-time cafeteria workers Mary Ford, April Pendergrass, Patricia Ballard and Shirley Adams. The board voted unanimously to accept Castor's recommendations.

Board members present included Tracey Reinhart, president; Danny Robbins, vice president; Brandon Veach, secretary; Johnny McCain, Tony Crowell, Jeremy Jackson and Tommy Wagner.

The board voted unanimously to elect Reinhart as the Arkansas School Board Association delegate.

In other business:

*Minutes were approved and the financial report was reviewed and approved.

*The board approved resolutions to conduct business with companies who are owned or operated by relatives of school employees when needed. Anything over $5,000 has to be approved by the state. The companies include Unearthly Threads; Walsworth Publishing; Spain Construction; Costal Construction, Chris Gipson Construction, Delta Drug, Wal-Mart Inc., Steve Matheny Farms, Heath Donner Farms, Farmers Market, Wagner Medical Clinic.

*Superintendent Castor reminded the board the audit training session is mandated this year.

*Board President Reinhart read a letter from Tim Bassing, coach of the first Manila cross country team. He thanked the board, coaches, and the school for great support. He commended the athletes for doing a great job in competing and in representing their school well.

*Reinhart also recognized Rodney Lancaster, ALE teacher, for his accomplishments working on his doctorate and having a paper published.

*The junior high cheerleaders were recognized for winning Regional last weekend.

*Tommy Wagner, M.D. volunteered to help train students and staff in the use of AED (Automated External Defibrillators). Castor said they would work around his schedule and set it up.
