Manila elementary school welcomes veterans
Manila elementary school honored Veterans on Friday afternoon with a veterans musical presentation under the direction of Rodney Cooper. Veterans arrived with a special welcome from students lining both sides of the walkway from the front door to the auditorium in the cafeteria. They were waving American flags and streamers as the veterans and their guests entered.
LeAnn Helms, principal, welcomed everyone to the program. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the students sang the National Anthem.
Second grade students sang Eleven, Eleven; the third grade sang Remember to Remember; the third grade class narrated by Principal Dale Case presented 11-11-11; the fourth grade sang Thank a Vet; the Lion Choir sang America; the fifth grade girls choir and Bugle Boy and The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy; the fifth grade sang You Are Our Heroes.
A special tribute was given to several of Manila natives who were killed in wartime.
A Veteran's Day Poem by James H. Lee, Jr. was read:
Of all the days we celebrate
With every passing year,
Veteran's Day stands out to me
As most important here,
Because it honors those who've served
Our nation, born to be
One nation under God above,
And our sweet liberty.
Without their service through the years,
And dedication, too,
Where would our nation be today,
And our Red, White and Blue.
We wouldn't have the freedoms
We love so very much,
Nor would we have the ability
To try and keep in touch
With friends and also loved ones
Across the U.S.A.,
Nor would we enjoy liberty,
Nor freedom here to say
The Pledge of Allegiance to
Old glory, flying high,
Nor could we worship God above
Who doth our needs supply.
So let us pause and thank the men
And women who have served,
And also those who are serving today,
Showing gratitude which they've deserved,
For being willing to defend
This cause of liberty,
And all the things we stand for,
To keep American free.
May God Bless America,
And every patriot here,
And all who've served and are serving
The cause of freedom, dear.
And may we all remember
That "freedom isn't free,"
And extend a hand of thanks to all
Who've fought for liberty.
Thank you for serving our country