November 15, 2011

Senior Citizen's Activity Center will open in Manila at the Airport Community Center on Thursday at 9 a.m. Lunch will be served Monday through Friday. The first lunch will be served on Thursday. Sign-ups started Monday and will continue from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the airport center on Tuesday and Wednesday...

Senior Citizen's Activity Center will open in Manila at the Airport Community Center on Thursday at 9 a.m.

Suzanne Allred, director of senior services for Mississippi County, Manila Mayor Wayne Wagner and Debbie Southard Finch, volunteer of senior services, set up sign-up are for senior citizens at the Manila Community Center.
Suzanne Allred, director of senior services for Mississippi County, Manila Mayor Wayne Wagner and Debbie Southard Finch, volunteer of senior services, set up sign-up are for senior citizens at the Manila Community Center.

Lunch will be served Monday through Friday. The first lunch will be served on Thursday. Sign-ups started Monday and will continue from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the airport center on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Suzanne Allred, director of senior services for Mississippi County, said she is excited about the space the community center has to offer.

"We are relocating the center from Leachville to Manila," Allred said. "The building is larger and the same services will be provided. A van will be available to transport Leachville and Manila senior citizens needing a ride."

The center will be open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. until noon.

There will be bingo games one day a week, bean bag baseball, exercise equipment, Wii games, card games, board games, guest speakers, singing and much more.

"There is no charge for the meals, but we do ask for at least a $1 donation if possible," Allred said.

The only requirement to become a member is to be 60 years old or older.

"We close at 1 p.m. but that does not mean people can't stay longer for activities," Allred said. "Our employees go home but usually there are people willing to volunteer to stay."

Participants must sign-up because meals are brought in from Blytheville and there has to be a count for lunch.
