A search for a man who apparently jumped off the Mississippi River bridge near Caruthersville Thursday has been unsuccessful.
According to Pemiscot County Sheriff Tommy Greenwell, Pemiscot County deputies were called to the bridge shortly after 4 p.m, after a caller reported seeing a man go over the side of the bridge.
When officers arrived, other witnesses confirmed that they had seen a man jump into the Mississippi River. An unoccupied vehicle was found by deputies, still running with the radio playing. The vehicle had Missouri registration and checked to a person in Kennett.
Authorities contacted the United States Coast Guard in Memphis. A boat was launched into the river to attempt to locate the man, but efforts were unsuccessful and hampered by weather conditions. Authorities will continue to monitor river traffic and stay in contact with the Coast Guard.
Agencies involved in the rescue attempt were the Dyer County Sheriff's Office, Missouri State Highway Patrol, the Bootheel Drug Task Force and the Pemiscot County Sheriff's Office.