October 25, 2011

Blytheville Public Schools are looking to raise standards this school year.

Blytheville Public Schools are looking to raise standards this school year.

The Blytheville School District focuses its efforts in teaching literacy and math skills, with reading, writing and comprehension strategies being emphasized in all areas of content. During the district's report to the public in Monday night's meeting, Sandy Hughey outlined Blytheville's goals for the school year and how they plan to reach those goals.

By the end of the 2011-2012 school year, 85.6 percent of third- and fourth-graders, 83.8 percent of fifth- through eighth-graders and 83.88 percent of 11th-graders will score at least "proficient" on the Benchmark and literacy exam, according to Adequate Yearly Progress standards.

On the way to achieving this standard, the school has set a goal of decreasing the number of students scoring "basic" or below on the benchmark and literacy exams by 10 percent, compared to last year. To do this, the schools will be providing instructional facilitators in literacy, continued professional development in literacy, improving writing skills in open response questions, incorporate technology to improve literacy skills as well as continuing other programs being used.

The AYP standards also dictate that 85 percent of third- and fourth-graders and 82.28 percent of fifth- through eighth-graders score "proficient" or better on the Benchmark and end-of-course exams.

The schools have set the same goal for Algebra 1 students, hoping to see at least a 10 percent decrease in students scoring "basic" or below on the tests, compared to last year's scores, using many of the same programs being used to raise literacy scores.

Hughey and Letroy Gathen also broke down financial statements for federal and state funding, including Title I, Title II-A and Title VI State.

During Superintendent Richard Atwill's report, he discussed the declining in funds, especially for programs like the school band. Atwill presented to the board an idea developed by band parents of selling advertising space at the football field and basketball gym to local businesses. If the band were to sell all available spaces they would receive just over $24,000 in their first year, and just over $18,000 each subsequent year. This was presented to the board as something to consider and discuss further, with no action required.

