October 25, 2011

Lake City Council members approved Resolution 1017-11 approving the city's millage rate at 1.6 mills for 2012 at the regular meeting on Oct. 17. Aldermen present were Harold Barker, Tommy Eakins, Ann Davis, Jeffery Wisham, Danny Dunigan and Brenda Hutcheson. Also present was Linda Simpson, city clerk. Mayor Jon Milligan presided...

Lake City Council members approved Resolution 1017-11 approving the city's millage rate at 1.6 mills for 2012 at the regular meeting on Oct. 17. Aldermen present were Harold Barker, Tommy Eakins, Ann Davis, Jeffery Wisham, Danny Dunigan and Brenda Hutcheson. Also present was Linda Simpson, city clerk. Mayor Jon Milligan presided.

Following the approval of the minutes and financial review, Simpson read the first reading of Ordinance No. 255-11, an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 207-04 regulating yard or garage sales. The ordinance was read a second and third time by title only and was approved unanimously.

The board also heard the first reading of Ordinance No. 256-11, an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 158 to re-establish a building permit system and the office of building inspector. The first reading was approved by all members present.

The council gave Mayor Milligan approval to accept bids on upcoming street paving for Hickory Street with paving to begin at Highway 18 east going south to Fourth Street.

Alderman were each given a coy of the recent water and sewer audit performed by Depair, Luther, and Short. The audit was accepted and approved 6-0.

Mayor Milligan announced the Susan G. Komen Pink for the Cure Day raised $234.80 citywide with a fourth of it coming from Riverside junior/senior high school. He expressed his appreciation to everyone for their contributions.

Mayor Milligan informed the council the city has applied for a $5,000 general improvement grant to be used for sidewalks from the Wayne "Biscuits" ballpark west to Ebony Street.

The council approved unanimously the recommendation of Mayor Milligan to give $450 year end bonus to all employees this year.

The next council meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 21.
