Halloween came a bit early this year to the Humane Society.
Good friend Mary Lee of the Farmer's Bank called to say she needed to talk with me out at the shelter. After I got my mind untangled, I met with her and Kev and she presented us with a basket of chocolate goodies, Halloween decor and a $50 bill. How good is that?
She took a tour of the shelter and was duly impressed with all our little guys, especially the new liter of puppies, seven in number (from a silky terrier.)
She should have been there early this a.m., when the pit delivered 10 beautiful new babies in the city shelter. Something special about new life!
Something special and new is developing within our midst. Nancy Bray has donated the Silent Security building to the Humane Society as an extension to our thrift store business. The Humane Society Thrift Store will remain as always, with our Christiansons remaining faithful volunteers there, and Nancy will have her volunteer help to assist her in her creation of "Sweet Tea." She will offer furniture, books, knick-knacks, clothing and some of the other wonderful donations we receive.
Nancy just does not do things halfway -- she has put heart and soul to good use, and we think it will be a wonderful place to browse through, give yourself a treat! Of course, all monies will go to the shelter, so if you clean out your attic, remember her. She is especially interested in antiques, glassware and dishes. She will put to use the kitchen and serve sweet tea, cookies, and finger sandwiches.
One of the odd things that came from her brainstorming ideas was the bricks she needed. We discovered they came from the old Connealy building (kinda neat, eh?) She had Brad Hawks down there the other night hanging windows on the wall. She has such great ideas and has no shame when she wants something done. She wangled a donated fridge and is steady looking for a dishwasher (the automatic kind). Isn't that just great! We think so and we are delighted she loves what we love and believes that together we can make our dreams come true. Truly God opens doors!
As Jazz would say: "Each of us should look not only to our interests, but also to the interest of others."
Shelter needs: continued enthusiasm, and the usual needs such as bleach, laundry soap, cat litter and paper goods.
The shelter will be open for adoptions from 2-5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 23; come and enjoy the afternoon.