I respectfully disagree with Mark Brasfield's assertion in Thursday's paper that "the Delta Gateway Museum was doomed from the start."
Yes, the museum effort has faced some major challenges. And yes, it was underfunded from the beginning. But progress is being made every day toward the city's goal of a quality museum and I hope the people of Blytheville won't give up on it.
The museum is in a "catch 22" situation. The people of Blytheville were promised, and are expecting, a professional museum, but very few seem to realize just how much support a project of that nature requires. It's quick, easy and cheap to throw some objects in a case and call it an exhibit, but the people of Blytheville deserve more than that. You deserve a museum you can truly be proud of, one that will bring tourist dollars into the city and help revitalize the local economy. A museum of that caliber requires a community effort with generous funding from both public and private sources.
I understand that public support is waning because it has taken several years to get the museum ball rolling, but too much has already been invested in this effort to give up on it now. If the City Council and the people of Blytheville will get behind the museum effort and pledge to help turn the idea into reality, I am confident that you will be pleased with the end result.