September 23, 2011

Recent reports from the Blytheville Police Department:

Recent reports from the Blytheville Police Department:

Sept. 19

More than $1,000 worth of goods were stolen from Jeff's Battery Shop on North Lockard. Fingerprints were collected at the scene.

Sept. 20

Nodia Harper, 26, of 1029 Rollison, was arrested and charged with domestic battery second. Harper allegedly stabbed her boyfriend in the arm during an argument.

Sept. 21

A juvenile student at Blytheville High School was placed into custody and charged with theft of property, after confessing to school officials that he stole the cell phone of a teacher.

Tiara S. Clark, 29, of 812 S. Lilly, was arrested and charged with theft of property. Clark was caught by employees of Hay's Grocery store allegedly putting unpaid for food items in her purse.

Adrianna Grant, 31, of 933 Jimmy Drive, Apt. A, was arrested and charged with public intoxication. Officers were called to a home on Kacey Lane because of Grant's alleged refusal to leave, when they noticed her obvious intoxication.
