Jaclyn Strand of Nashville, Tenn., and Blake Belford of Nashville, Tenn., formerly of Blytheville, are planning an Oct. 1 wedding at The River Church of God in Nashville.
The bride-to-be is the daughter of Dan Strand and Rosa King of Nashville and the granddaughter of Catalina Cardonas of San Juan, Puerto Rico.
She studied at Mississippi College and is a receptionist at the Center for Spin and Joint in Mount Juliet, Tenn.
The prospective groom is the son of Curt and Vonda Belford of Blytheville anf the grandson of Dr. L.V. and Darlene Rigney of Blytheville and the Rev. Windell and Carolyn Belford of Malvern. Loree' Belford of Malvern is his great-grandmother.
He graduated with a bachelor of music degree from Bellmont University in Nashville, in 2010 and is the music pastor at The River Church of God in Nashville and is also a contract manager for Music City Parking in downtown Nashville at The Hermitage Hotel.
The ceremony will begin at 2 p.m.