Blytheville Mayor James Sanders expects the 2010 State Legislative Audit to be concluded soon.
"They haven't told me yet when they are going to be through, but I believe it will be soon," Sanders said. "They have not given me any definite dates. And I'm not hurrying them. I want them to do a thorough review on the situation."
Responding to a question from Councilwoman Missy Langston Friday, Sanders said he has not heard from 2nd Judicial District prosecutor Scott Ellington's office, which is awaiting the results of the 2010 audit to decide how to move forward with an investigation of former mayor Barrett Harrison and former finance director Faye Griggs.
Sanders said auditors have been in Blytheville since June, working on the audit.
"So things are moving along, that's good," Langston said.
Released in June, the 2008/2009 report showed the city owed the Internal Revenue Service $3,847,555 because of delinquent payroll taxes. The figure includes $2,805,320 in unpaid taxes and penalties and interests of $1,042,235, according to the report.
"Our audit procedures indicated that the offices of the Treasurer, City Clerk/District Court Clerk, and Police Chief were in substantial compliance with Arkansas fiscal and financial laws," the report reads. "Noncompliance with state law and accepted accounting practices was noted in the offices of the Mayor and Finance Director."
After the official findings, Sanders contacted Ellington, asking him to investigate the matter.