Most of us that love our animals thrive on their return of that love. We realize that those same pet lovers love to take their animals everywhere they go. It is a great way to show them off proudly and thus we carry them on vacations, we take them on not-so-short trips shopping.
Believe what I am fixin' to tell you -- that this goes for leaving kids in the car or the elderly as well. It is a dangerous thing to do and should not be done, period! I have observed folks leaving the car running while they run into the store for a minute that can often lead to 30 minutes. What can I say about that? If you can afford the gas -- go for it!
A summer day can be deadly to a pet and or child left in a parked car. When the temperature outside is above 70 degrees, a parked car quickly becomes unbearbly hot inside within minutes, even with the windows left slightly open. In just 10 minutes, the temperature inside your car can reach 102 degrees or hotter. In just 20 minutes the temperature inside your can reach 120 degrees or hotter. At 110 degrees, your pet may have just minutes to live! Your pet will suffer heatstroke, leading to collapse, brain damage and an agonizing death!
If you allow this to happen, you not only stand to lose your pet, you're gonna have a change of address. Folks, it is against the law to do this thing. You can be arrested, fined and/or do jail time for a felony. It is animal cruelty and they don't even consider invincible ignorance. So, if you love your family or love your pet, don't take them shopping -- even if they are good, they are a pain in the you know what!
Should you walk up on a pet that is overheated, take emergency action! Call Terrie or one of us at the Humane Society. If you can get your hands on the pet, try to put the pet into cold water rubdown immediately to lower body temperture. Take the animal to a veterinarian for a thorough examination. Best advice of all is to please leave your pet at home.
All this to say -- the weather is better, temps cooler; however, it remains dangerous. If you have an outside animal, make sure plenty of cool water is available to them at all times, it is important. We find animals all the time without water. This summer has been fiercely hot and many animals have suffered death.
As Jazz would say: "Life challenges us with the fact that everything can be done better."
Shelter needs: Emergency supply of cat litter -- like we are so out of litter for the first time in many years. We have some emergency wood shavings and that is about all. The cats will bless you -- even the cheap stuff is better than no stuff! You can imagine 40-plus cats without bathroom privileges! (domino effect). Don't forget Thursday night is meeting night and we will be voting on our new board and will get our ducks in a row for the Spaghetti Dinner/Auction. That is our big fundraiser of the year and very important.
Our mailing address is Box 1855. We appreciate all the help we can get. Thanks for your previous support. Please come to the meeting at Jaycee building at 6 p.m. and join us for a networking good time. We need your input. Many thanks!