August 11, 2011

Farmers Bank & Trust would like to make known our appreciation to our customers and everyone who contributed to our school supply drive. The drive benefited the foster children here in Mississippi County and The Haven. We especially, want to thank The Courier newspaper for the ads and article, Ritter Communication for the ads placed on our local community channel and Sudbury Broadcasting for the air time they donated. ...

To the editor:

Farmers Bank & Trust would like to make known our appreciation to our customers and everyone who contributed to our school supply drive. The drive benefited the foster children here in Mississippi County and The Haven.

We especially, want to thank The Courier newspaper for the ads and article, Ritter Communication for the ads placed on our local community channel and Sudbury Broadcasting for the air time they donated. Special thanks to Pat and Danny Harris for their aid in the distribution of the school supplies and to the employees here at our bank for their continued support.

Thank you again, to all who participated in our school supply drive this year.

Glodine Brown Farmers Bank & Trust
