August 11, 2011

Three arrests were made Tuesday when a narcotics search warrant was carried out by the 2nd Judicial Drug Task Force and the Blytheville Police Department Special Response Team.

Three arrests were made Tuesday when a narcotics search warrant was carried out by the 2nd Judicial Drug Task Force and the Blytheville Police Department Special Response Team.

At around 11:20 p.m., agents carried out the warrant at 1102 S. Ruddle Road, Lot 8, and arrested Jonathan K. McKemie and Barbara Ross of that address, and Amy Fish of 771 E. County Road 246.

During a search of the home and the people inside, officers found several baggies of suspected methamphetamine, which were field-tested with positive results. Also located were baggies containing hydrocodone and Xanax, which were packaged for sale. Also located in the bedroom with McKemie was a handgun, as well as baggies and scales.

There were two small children in the home, ages 6 and 1, and all adults inside the residence were charged with endangering the welfare of a minor. Several adults were released at the scene, but McKemie, Fish and Ross were transported to the BPD and charged.

McKemie was charged with three counts of possession of a controlled substance with purpose to deliver, for the meth, the pills and marijuana, with possession of a firearm by certain persons, simultaneous possession of drugs and firearms, and endangering the welfare of a minor; and was set a standard bond of $100,000. He has a prior felony conviction and is an active parolee.

Ross was charged with the same three counts of possession of a controlled substance with purpose to deliver, simultaneous possession of drugs and firearms, and endangering the welfare of a minor; and was set a signature bond of $25,000. She has no felony arrest history.

Fish was charged with possession of a controlled substance (meth), and endangering the welfare of a minor. With no felony arrest history, she was also set a signature bond of $25,000.
