August 9, 2011

Mary Smith, Manila High School FACS teacher, welcomed teachers from across the state to her classroom for a Nutrition and Wellness workshop held Tuesday through Friday, Aug. 2-5. Smith served as the trainer for the four day sessions. ...

Mary Smith, Manila High School FACS teacher, welcomed teachers from across the state to her classroom for a Nutrition and Wellness workshop held Tuesday through Friday, Aug. 2-5.

FACS teachers from across the state attended a Nutrition and Wellness workshop in Manila led by Mary Smith, Manila High School teacher.
FACS teachers from across the state attended a Nutrition and Wellness workshop in Manila led by Mary Smith, Manila High School teacher.

Smith served as the trainer for the four day sessions. She was one of the preparers of the Nutrition and Wellness curriculum content frameworks being taught. The training course is a requirement before teachers can teach the Nutrition and Wellness classes.

The semester course is designed to emphasize the interaction of nutrition, foods, sports and exercise for lifelong fitness and wellbeing of individuals and families.

The Nutrition and Wellness curriculum developed by Smith and other Arkansas FACS teachers is the approved curriculum. Other teachers preparing the curriculum content were Vernell Berry, Cabot High School; Deborah Estep, Scranton High School; Peggy Hill, DeQueen Midlde School; Judy Honey, Arkadelphia High School; and Stephanie Ramsey, Vilonia High School.

Also in Manila for the workshop was Suzanne Jones, from the FACS State Office.

Teachers attending were Treena Musselman, Cabot High School; Crystal Fustin, Cutter-Morning Star High School; Lori Wade, El Dorado High School; Gloria Merrick, Hope High School; Melissa Rice, Hoxie High School; Rebecca Daniels, Jasper High School; Amanda Caldwell, Paris High School; Marilyn Pond, Shirley High School; Brandi Thomas, Crossett High School; Joy Barnhill, Dermott High School; and Lori Rooney, Southside High School (Batesville).
