No wonder people often think that animal lovers are a little weird.
Maybe it is the truth, but I am here to give you the real truth. I am here to tell you the way people treat these animals, they ought to be shot at sunrise.
Answering a complaint that the neighborhood was hearing pitiful cries from puppies in a nearby home put us on the road. In the back yard in a shed made of wood -- no windows, no water and a soaring temperature of 108 degrees -- three Shitzhu dogs were near death. The shed was secured with a padlock. The animals show signs of stress, a no brainer! They were confiscated and made safe.
Terrie was then faced with an animal screaming and running about, no hair, we are talking bare skin as in raw. It had been doused and lit up, torched. There was only one answer, and now that animal is in a place where there is no more pain. Disgusting!
A box of puppies with their mama sealed up tight in a box left out by the Entertainer. All of them had the mange. There must be a better way to rid one's self of an animal overload than to suffocate them.
All these things have happened within a few days, just this week. There are more that I don't have the heart to share. Makes ya wanna hurt somebody. But who? I guess maybe we are nuts to tolerate the treatment of these animals when we pretty well know who the owners are (much of the time they don't know nuthin' bout who the owners are, even with the animal tied out on their property). And I am Donald Duck -- quack, quack!
I wanted to dedicate this article to the people who have asked us to look into a doggie park -- something positive for a change. It will take some doing to do something special for responsible owners. Those folks that love their pets, that get joy by sharing a walk in the evening with their favorite dog. It really is a cool idea, and personally, I'm for it. I dug up some ideas by stealing others' thunder, but it all makes sense. Plastic tunnels for dogs to run through. Ramps on each either side for dogs to run up and down. A splash pad in the shape of a paw to help dogs cool off and enjoy some water time. A perimeter path of soft rubber mulch for walking. A large open space for running and playing catch. Lots of trees to create shaded areas and areas for smaller dogs to play. You know we dog owners dream big. It is not an impossible idea.
My dream is to have a memorial park as well. We will do some networking with Monte Hodges, chairmen for Parks and Recreation, for the just right area. Won't he be surprised, since I have not spoken to him regarding this issue.
As Jazz would say: "Once again, one person with a dream is equal to 99 who only have an interest."
Shelter needs: The wonderful new members and anyone that can help us be successful. Thanks to my church friend Carla Shaw for the stretch $10 (100) and the thanks to President Pam for helping her with just the right dog. There will be a forever home. They are delighted and so is the animal! If you think about donating toward our needs, all the things I have asked for in the past or just plain old dinero, remember Box 1855. God will bless you!