July 26, 2011

Members of the Blytheville School Board participated in an extended discussion regarding the school system's uniform policy during their Monday night meeting.

Members of the Blytheville School Board participated in an extended discussion regarding the school system's uniform policy during their Monday night meeting.

Board member Barbara Wells brought to the attention of the group that people in her zone were expressing the desire to have another shirt color added to the uniform code policy. Wells said area retailers were stocking uniform code polo shirts in powder blue, and many parents that she communicated with wished that the color would be included.

District Superintendent Richard Atwill suggested that Wells form a committee to further investigate this possibility, while members of the board appeared divided on the issue.

Carlony Wells and Lori Hixson expressed that variety in color choices would be helpful for parents who may have a hard time finding appropriate clothing for their children, but agreed that the issue did warrant further discussion. Billy Fair and board president Tommy Bennett, however, both said school uniform colors should be kept within the boundaries of school colors.

Atwill's contribution to the discussion was that whatever the board's decision, they would keep in mind the district's goals of tactfulness, consistency and the ability to maintain order. The discussion was closed with the suggestion that all interested community members contact the board representative for their zone to share their opinions and concerns on the matter.

Atwill, in his report to the board, said the district is working on developing partnerships with local businesses that may lead to additional funding for needed improvement projects on school campuses, such as the resurfacing of the running track. Atwill also spoke about new developments for Saturday detention, which has traditionally taken place on the high school campus. Talks are currently under way, however, to bring Saturday detention students to the Mississippi County Union Mission to work sorting donations, in exchange for which the Mission would donate all uniform-acceptable clothes to the school district for distribution among needy families. Any parents who did not wish their children to participate in this project could request that they remain on the school campus, Atwill added.

The board was also presented with a facilities update by Randy Jumper, who listed improvement projects which were completed with government stimulus money and funds generated by a refinancing of bonds. Projects recently completed include the complete renovation of the high school band room, which completes all asbestos removal from that campus, renovation of the high school nurse's office to include a bathroom, new turf in the field house, and replaced chain-link fence all over the district.

Following an executive session for the purpose of accepting resignations and making new hires, as well as discussion for a new policy, a public vote was taken on a motion by Bennett that out-of-state travel for conferences and training be limited to one trip per fiscal year per board member. The motion passed 6-2, with Gene Henton and Barbara Wells voting against.

According to a report from Assistant Superintendent Sandy Hughey, school administration has had "an extremely busy summer," but has budgets balanced, positions filled, and is ready for school to start on Aug. 15.

