July 26, 2011

Mr. Darren Duane Flie, 36, of Osceola, died Friday, July 22, 2011, at Osceola Hospital.

Mr. Darren Duane Flie, 36, of Osceola, died Friday, July 22, 2011, at Osceola Hospital. He was born in Osceola and was a factory worker.

He was preceded in death by his father, Charles Flie.

He leaves his mother, Shirley Bradshaw, and step-father, Lendy Bradshaw of Memphis;

His grandparents, Veola Broadnax of Osceola, Charles Estell of Phoenix, Ariz., and Jack Flie;

Two sons, Kadrian Flie and Darren Duane Flie of Osceola; and

Two sisters, Candice Flie White of Osceola and Starsha Flie of Sauke Village, Ill.

A memorial service will be held at Jehovah Witness Temple. A time has not as yet been determined.
