July 13, 2011

Pigweed management in cotton and soybeans will be showcased at field days held in Marvell on July 19 and at the Northeast Arkansas Research and Extension Center in Keiser on July 21.

Mary Hightower | Ua Division Of Agriculture
story image illustation

Pigweed management in cotton and soybeans will be showcased at field days held in Marvell on July 19 and at the Northeast Arkansas Research and Extension Center in Keiser on July 21.

"These two field days continue what was started at last November's Pigposium," said Bob Scott, extension weed scientist for the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. "Weed scientists are carrying that information to the field and give farmers an opportunity to see these practices in action."

The demonstrations and research plots "suffered the same too wet, too dry, too windy Mother Nature maladies that everyone has had to deal with this spring," he said. "Although this has created some challenges in managing pigweed, this is not all bad. This has allowed us to separate the weaker practices from the more reliable management techniques."

Both field days will start with registration at 8:30 a.m., with field tours leaving at 9 a.m.

The research will be discussed July 19 at "Fieldposium" held at the Curtis Story farm in Marvell. The event runs until lunch time and includes talks from University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture experts:

-- Cotton varieties -- Tom Barber, extension cotton agronomist, UA Division of Agriculture

-- Liberty Link cotton -- Jason Norsworthy, associate professor, crop, soil and environmental sciences

-- Roundup Ready cotton -- Ken Smith, extension weed scientist

-- Pigweed control in soybeans -- Bob Scott, extension weed scientist

-- Soybean seed treatment -- Gus Lorenz, extension entomologist

-- Soybean varieties -- Jeremy Ross, extension soybean agronomist.

There is no cost to attend. For more information, contact Smith at 870-460-1091, Scott at 501-676-3124 or Goodson at 870-338-8027.

Scott, Norsworthy and Smith are also among the speakers at the field day at Keiser. Topics to be covered include:

-- Cotton program approaches for pigweed

-- Performance of different residual herbicides in cotton and soybeans

-- Soybean program approaches and performance of Liberty Link soybeans

-- Effective techniques and advantages of managing soil seedbank

-- Selection of correct spray nozzles for contact herbicides

-- Salvage situations -- what to do when "Plan A" fails

-- Last ditch efforts with rope wick applicators

-- New bedder/incorporator performance

-- Herbicide performance in row watered cotton and soybean.

For more information, contact the station at 870-526-2199. Directions are available online at http://aaes.uark.edu/nerec.html.

To learn more about weed control, contact your county agent, or visit www.uaex.edu.
