June 28, 2011

Several months after its completion, the 2010 Census is now beginning to take its effects on the Gosnell school district.

GOSNELL -- Several months after its completion, the 2010 Census is now beginning to take its effects on the Gosnell school district.

According to Arkansas law, if a school district reaches a minority population of 10 percent or more, it must be divided into zones for the election of school board members.

Not having necessity for this before 2010, the school board is new to the concept of zoning and the new election system, which members approved in their Monday night meeting. Members of the board will now be elected by zone, with either five or seven zones -- where there used to simply be seven members at large. The zoning process is expected to be completed in time for the 2012 school board elections.

The school district recently underwent a legislative audit, and was issued a report by the Arkansas Senate and House Co-Chairmen of the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee in praise of its "conscientious efforts of [personnel] in achieving substantial compliance with Arkansas fiscal and financial laws."

In preparation for the upcoming school year, multiple changes to the student handbook have also been approved by the board, some of which will have a noticeable effect on students and families. The school's attendance policy previously consisted of 12 permissible absences per semester, in addition to six absences excused by a parent. The new attendance policy will do away with excused and unexcused absences -- each student will be allowed a total of 12 absences per class period total before credit for that class is lost. This will be applied regardless of whether or not the absence has been excused by a parent or doctor -- with the obvious exception of extreme circumstances, which can be approved by building principals.

A proposed budget of expenditures for the 2012-2013 school year was also approved Monday night, allowing for just over $5 million in salaries, over $2 million in instruction expenses, and just over $1 million in maintenance and operation expenses, among others.

