It was Romona Thieme night at the Manila Community Center on Thursday, June 23. She was honored for 32 years of service with the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service.
She has worked in the Mississippi County Extension offices throughout her career and is well known across the state as a leader in her field.
Mrs. Thieme has been involved in the 4-H Youth program; Family & Consumer Sciences; Youth Leadership Program; Professional Associations; and the County and District Fairs.
Serving as emcee for the evening was Dave Freeze, Mississippi County Extension Service, chair. He shared some of Thieme's memorable moments with a Power Point presentation starting with her early years as an Extension agent.
She graduated from Jonesboro High School and received a BA in political science from Arkansas State University, a BA in history from ASU, a BS in home economics from the University of Arkansas and a MH/HE from the Mississippi University for Women.
"She is well qualified and has a great record," Freeze said. "It all started with the Youth Program in Mississippi County. She has been affective in lots of young people's lives."
Mrs. Thieme has been active in all types of community services, 4-H banquets, EHC, nutrition programs, managing resource courses, youth leadership programs, and much more.
She has received numerous awards including the Distinguished Service Award. She is involved with many organizations including the 4-H agents past president; FSC Agents Association, state vice president of 4-H Association, and others.
Freeze was quick to let Romona know she will be missed in the Extension office.
Debbie Still on behalf of FCS and Extension Friends wished her well and presented her with a gift.
Carolyn Smallwood and Marilyn Shearin also wished her well and presented her with a gift.
"She is more than an agent, she is our friend," Smallwood said. "Without her I could not have been the county president. I have enjoyed working with her. She is a great Extension agent. EHC will be 100 years old next June and she said she will be with us. Also thanks to Jim and Rachel (her husband and daughter)."
Dr. Martha Sartor, district agent, presented Romona with a plaque and gift and her appreciation for the job she has done.
Romona is married to Jim Thieme, a retired FFA teacher. They have one daughter, Rachel, a student at Arkansas State University.
"I went to work on June 1, 1981," Mrs. Thieme said. "It seemed like 30 years would take forever. After the first 10, they moved fast. The last two have gone really fast. I have worked with 36 agents in the county and I appreciate all of them. We became like family. The Extension Service across the state as a whole is family. I appreciate the years with the Extension Service. I've have enjoyed it."